Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Just Enjoy the Show: “The Show” by Lenka

This photo reminds me of Lenka, known for her bright colors and upbeat songs.

This song is light and breezy, not overproduced, a little reminiscent of Colbie Caillet.
She didn’t show up yet in my library’s biography database, but thanks to  IMDB,
we know a little about her.

·         She is from Australia
·         “Come Together” by the Beatles is her favorite song
·         Her mother is a school teacher and her father is a jazz musician
·         She has been an actress, appearing in Easy A, The Dish, and Moneyball (The Dish is a fun, quirky little Australian movie about how a remote town and its satellite dish became a large part of the broadcast of the first Apollo moon landing.)
·         Her trademark is colorful clothing, which is why the picture above reminds me of her song.

“The Show,” along with all the other songs on her self-titled album Lenka is available for free download on Freegal.

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