Sunday, February 24, 2013

Adele Better Than Streisand? You Can Be the Judge at the Academy Awards

Adele at a concert in January 2009  Image Credit

I was on the phone the other day, teasing my dad about his long-lived crush on the singer Peggy Lee.

“No, it’s Adele now,” he said.

“You know about Adele?” I said. This is a fellow that call me and asks me to do internet research because he’s never been on that new-fangled contraption.

“Why sure,” he said. “She’s better than Streisand.”

I just read that Streisand is performing tonight on the Academy Awards. And Adele will singer her nominated song “Skyfall.” So you can line them up and be the judge: which is better?

And, unlike my dad, you probably have an internet connection and can download Adele’s songs through Freegal. I just checked, and there are dozens and dozens of Streisand’s, too.

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