Monday, November 5, 2012

“That old north wind should begin to blow”: James Taylor is a Friend at Obama Rallies

Photo: Obama Rally 2012, Aurora, CO Nov. 5, 2012 (photo by Ellen Mackey)
Somewhere around 20,000 people turned out for the Obama Rally in Aurora, Colorado.

What you have to realize is that people walked for blocks and blocks to get there. Then it took them one or two hours to get through the line and into the quad.

And what you really have to realize is that this is November. In Colorado. A night nice, granted seeing as it’s November. But, still, it gets a bit nippy. And most of us were there at least 4 hours.

Politics aside, it’s amazing that people will do so much for a glimpse (we were in the back—so that’s what I got—just a glimpse) of a candidate and a 20-minute speech.

I know many people are uninvolved, but there are a heck of a lot that are committed and involved.

I thought it was fitting that the Obama team played “You’ve Got a Friend” by James Taylor.

Bunches and bunches of James Taylor available on Freegal.

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